Student Solution


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Jesus and Salvation in Mark_New Testment Survey

Jesus and Salvation in Mark_New Testment Survey

Q 1. Read Chapters 14 and 18 in Jesus is Lord. 2. Read the entire Gospel of Mark in a standard translation of the Bible. 3. Watch the video lecture “Jesus and Salvation in the Gospel of Mark.” 4. Select two passages from the Gospel of Mark and one quotation from either the reading in Jesus is Lord or the lecture that work together to describe how Mark portrays Jesus as God's agent of salvation in the gospel. You can use Bible Study Tools at Bible Study Tools to help you find relevant passages. You can limit your search to the Gospel of Mark by clicking on the "Book" menu, scrolling down, and selecting "Mark." Then click on “Find It!” to do your search.

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One of the earliest and shortest written gospels, Mark, we get to view Jesus without the popular misconceptions associated with him, and presents Him with regard to salvation as He